2000's - Administration support for national aide continues


CWA of WA was there with emotional and practical assistance, following the shock and devastation of the October 2002 Bali Bombing. State Executive took part in the National Day of Mourning at Government House on St Georges Terrace. The membership coordinated the international air-lift of fresh water to the affected area, totalling a volume of three pellets, within three days of the incident.

The droughts from 2006 – 2010 were devastating all over Australia.  CWA of WA joined other CWA Associations, to assess hundreds of applications and distributed millions of dollars to drought affected families on behalf of Federal Government funding. State Government funding was also approved for community events to boost the spirits of farming families. Woolworths partnered with CWA to provide funds from Drought Action Trading days and companies such as Bega Cheese and Golden Eggs also entrusted CWA of WA with drought aid funds.

A group of younger and urban women formed the Perth Belles CWA Branch in 2009, aiming to meet the needs of women juggling the demands of working and sometimes raising children, whilst addressing isolation and developing community spirit, in line with classic CWA principles. Today there are multiple branches of Belles, attracting younger women with different values and skills, who keen to support the traditional values of the CWA, though in a modern lens.